Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1920

Diocese Events

See Also: Overview | Bishop Events | Necrology | Previous Year (1919) | Next Year (1921)

unknownDelegation to East Indies (Added Burma) Territory Added
unknownSociety of Divine Vocations Founded
unknownNunciature to Yugoslavia Established
unknownNunciature to Germany Established
unknownNunciature to Hungary Established
unknownPrefecture Apostolic of Schlewig-Holstein, Germany (North Schleswig) Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of Denmark Territory Added
13 FebDiocese of Maceió, Brazil ElevatedArchdiocese of Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil Elevated
20 FebDiocese of San Severino (Marche), Italy
Diocese of Treia, Italy
UnitedDiocese of San Severino (-Treia), Italy United
8 AprDiocese of Gerace, Italy Name ChangedDiocese of Gerace (-Santa Maria di Polsi), Italy Name Changed
9 AprVicariate Apostolic of Canton [Guangzhou], China Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of Shiuchow [Shaoguan], China Erected
15 AprNunciature to Venezuela (to Nunciature) Elevated
16 AprPrefecture Apostolic of Lower Niger {Niger Inferiore}, Nigeria ElevatedVicariate Apostolic of Southern Nigeria {Nigeria Meridionale} Elevated
18 AprPrefecture Apostolic of Guinea Francese, Guinea ElevatedVicariate Apostolic of Guinea Francese, Guinea Elevated
30 AprDiocese of Senj (-Modruš), Croatia Territory LostApostolic Administration of Fiume / Rijeka, Croatia Erected
15 MayNunciature to Czechoslovakia Established
8 JunArchdiocese of Mohilev, Belarus Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of Finland {Finlandia} Erected
16 JunNunciature to Romania Established
18 JunDiocese of Piaui, Brazil Territory LostTerritorial Prelature of Bom Jesus do Piauí, Piaui, Brazil Erected
1 AugVicariate Apostolic of Canton [Guangzhou], China Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of Western Kwangtung and Hainan {Kuangtong Occidentale et Hainan}, China Erected
1 AugNunciature to Switzerland Restored
5 AugVicariate Apostolic of Seul, Korea (South) Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of Wonsan, Korea (North) Erected
6 AugNunciature to Paraguay (to Nunciature) Elevated
25 AugVicariate Apostolic of Southern Kiangsi {Kiam-Si Meridionale}, China Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of Kanchow [Ganzhou], China Erected
25 AugVicariate Apostolic of Southern Kiangsi {Kiam-Si Meridionale}, China Name ChangedVicariate Apostolic of Kingan, China Name Changed
25 AugVicariate Apostolic of Eastern Kiangsi {Kiam-Si Orientale}, China Name ChangedVicariate Apostolic of Fu-Chow (Fu-Kow), China Name Changed
25 AugVicariate Apostolic of Northern Kiangsi {Kiam-Si Settentrionale}, China Name ChangedVicariate Apostolic of Kiou-Kiang, China Name Changed
29 AugPrefecture Apostolic of Nuova Guinea Olandese, Indonesia ElevatedVicariate Apostolic of Nuova Guinea Olandese, Indonesia Elevated
12 NovDelegation to Albania Established
17 NovPrefecture Apostolic of Northern Ontario (Ontario-Nord), Canada ElevatedVicariate Apostolic of Northern Ontario (Ontario-Nord), Canada Elevated
17 NovCompagnia di San Paolo Founded
10 DecArchdiocese of Warszawa {Warsaw}, Poland (Lodz, Lancic, and Klodaviens) Territory LostDiocese of Łódź, Poland Erected


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