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Women Religious Orders

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Institutes of Consecrated Life

Adorers of the Blood of ChristA.S.C.Centralized Institutes
Canossian Daughters of Charity, Servants of the PoorF. d. C. C.Canossian SistersCentralized Institutes
Carmelitas MisionerasC. M.Centralized Institutes
Carmelite Sisters of CharityC.C.V.Centralized Institutes
Compagnia di Santa Teresa di GesùS.T.J.Centralized Institutes
Congregação das Irmãs Franciscanas Hospitaleiras da Imaculada ConceiçãoC.O.N.F.H.I.C.Centralized Institutes
Congregatio JesuC. J.Centralized Institutes
Congregation of Mother of Carmel (Syro-Malabar)C.M.C.Carmelamthavinte SabhaEastern Religious or Secular Institute
Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good ShepherdR.B.P.Centralized Institutes
Congregation of the Religious of Jesus-MaryR.J.M.Centralized Institutes
Congregation of the Sisters of MercyR.S.M.Centralized Institutes
Congregation of the Sisters of St. AnnS.S.A.Centralized Institutes
Congregation of the Sisters of St. Felix of CantaliceC.S.S.F.Felician SistersCentralized Institutes
Congregation of the Sisters of St. Paul of ChartresS.P.C.Centralized Institutes
Daughters of Divine LoveD.D.L.Centralized Institutes
Daughters of Mary Help of ChristiansF. M. A.Salesian Sisters of Don BoscoCentralized Institutes
Daughters of Mary, Mother of MercyD.M.M.M.Centralized Institutes
Daughters of Saint Anne - RanchiD.S.A.Centralized Institutes
Dominican Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin (Tours)O. P.Centralized Institutes
Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice (Salesiane di Don Bosco)F.M.A.Centralized Institutes
Francescane Missionarie di Gesù Bambino (Suore)F.M.G.B.Centralized Institutes
Franciscan Clarist Congregation (Syro-Malabar)F.C.C.Eastern Religious or Secular Institute
Franciscan Missionaries of MaryCentralized Institutes
The Franciscan Sisters of the EucharistF.S.E.Centralized Institutes
Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary's Congregation of PondicherryF.I.H.M.Centralized Institutes
Hermanas de Nuestra Señora de la ConsolaciónN.S.C.Centralized Institutes
Holy Family of BordeauxS.F.B.Centralized Institutes
Holy Family Sisters (Syro-Malabar)C.H.F.Eastern Religious or Secular Institute
La Xavière, Missionnaires du Christ JésusXavièreCentralized Institutes
Little Sisters of the Abandoned ElderlyH.A.D.Centralized Institutes
Little Sisters of the PoorP. S. D. P.Centralized Institutes
Misioneras Hijas de la Sagrada Familia de NazaretM.H.S.F.N.Centralized Institutes
Missionaries of CharityM. C.Sisters of Mother TeresaCentralized Institutes
Missionary Benedictine Sisters of TutzingO.S.B.T.Centralized Institutes
Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of ChristiansMSMHCCentralized Institutes
Missionary Sisters Servants of the Holy SpiritC.M.S.Sp.S.Centralized Institutes
Order of the Company of Mary, Our LadyO.D.N.LestonnacCentralized Institutes
Pious Disciples of the Divine MasterP.D.D.M.Centralized Institutes
Pious Society Daughters of St. PaulF. S. P.Centralized Institutes
Religious of the AssumptionR.A.Centralized Institutes
Sacred Heart Congregation (Syro-Malabar)S.H.Eastern Religious or Secular Institute
Salesian Missionaries of Mary ImmaculateS.M.M.I.Centralized Institutes
School Sisters of Notre DameS.S.N.D.Centralized Institutes
Servants of Mary, Ministers to the SickS. de M.Centralized Institutes
Siostry Służebniczki Najświętszej Maryi Niepokalanie PoczętejNMP NPCentralized Institutes
Sisters of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Syro-Malabar)S.A.B.S.Eastern Religious or Secular Institute
Sisters of Charity of Jesus and MaryS.C.J.M.Centralized Institutes
Sisters of Charity of Saint Jeanne Antide ThouretS. D. C.Centralized Institutes
Sisters of Charity of Saints Bartolomea Capitanio and Vincenza GerosaS.C.C.G.Sisters of Holy Child MaryCentralized Institutes
Sisters of Charity of St. AnneH.C.S.A.Centralized Institutes
Sisters of Mercy of the AmericasR. S. M.Centralized Institutes
Sisters of Mercy of the Holy CrossS.C.S.C.Centralized Institutes
Sisters of Notre DameS.N.D.Centralized Institutes
Sisters of Saint Joseph of ClunyS. J. C.Centralized Institutes
Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian CharityO. S. F.Centralized Institutes
Sisters of St. Joseph of ChambéryC.S.J.Centralized Institutes
Sisters of the Apostolic CarmelA.C.Centralized Institutes
Sisters of the Cross of ChavanodS.C.C.Centralized Institutes
Sisters of the Destitute (Syro-Malabar)S.D.Eastern Religious or Secular Institute
Sisters of the Holy Cross MenzingenH.C.M.Centralized Institutes
Sisters of the Holy Family of NazarethC.S.F.N.Centralized Institutes
Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of ChristI.H.M.Centralized Institutes
Sisters of the Little Flower of BethanyB. S.Bethany SistersCentralized Institutes
Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (S. Sofia Barat)R.S.C.J.Centralized Institutes
Suore Missionarie della ConsolataM. C.Centralized Institutes
Suore Missionarie, Pie Madri della NigriziaS.M.C.Comboni Missionary SistersCentralized Institutes
Teresian Carmelites of VerapolyC.T.C.Centralized Institutes
Ursuline Sisters of TildonkO.S.U.Centralized Institutes
Ursulines of the Roman UnionO. S. U.Centralized Institutes

Societies of Apostolic Life

Company of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de PaulF.D.C.

Note: The above lists are very substantially incomplete.

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