Catholic-Hierarchy DC


Statistics by Province

by Catholic Population

(Click on the column title to sort by that column)
#CatholicsPopulationPercent CatholicProvinceDiocesesSuffragansDiocesan PriestsReligious PriestsTotal PriestsPermanent DeaconsMale ReligiousFemale ReligiousParishes
1200,000- Damas (Melkite)1(none)36844181317
227,000- Bosra e Hauran (Melkite)1(none)18181842
327,000- Homs (-Hama-Jabrud) (Melkite)1(none)1411512517
417,000- Alep (Melkite)1(none)163193229
510,000- Homs (-Hama-Nabk) (Syrian)1(none)152172315
66,000- Damas (Syrian)1(none)11113105

Note: The table above is generated with the most recent data available for each diocese. Dioceses with incomplete data may be excluded which will lower the totals for its Province.


Copyright David M. Cheney, 1996-2005; code: v2.3.4, 17 Nov 05; data: 20 Nov 05